Baanxsters. We have some more exciting news about the CL Card powered by Ledger platform…. You can now withdraw GBP and EUR.

21 Mar 2023, 14:42
Baanxsters!! We have some more exciting news about the CL Card 💳 powered by Ledger platform… You can now withdraw GBP 💷 and EUR 💶 What does this mean for BXX and the community… Well… Let me enlighten you… As you all may have seen in the news recently, one of the major exchanges (not mentioning names) has turned off all GBP deposits and withdrawals for new users and will be turning off completely in May for all users. So, what does that mean? It means there are users in this space unable to withdraw. With some careful marketing, we will be bringing new users to the platform as well as exposing them to BXX. Meaning we should get a number of users finding BXX from this, then as we launch the BXX utility, users will need a way to off-ramp their StableLoans. 🚀